Wednesday, June 19, 2013

He's No Michael Phelps.

We signed up for baby swim lessons with some friends and their babies.  I was expecting a little splashing in the water, maybe a little floating, and that's it.   Nope.  There was singing, kicking, practice hanging on to the wall, and going underwater.  Oh, we're not supposed to call it "going under".  We're supposed to call it "swimming."  Here's how the first day went:

Oh man.  I thought we were in for a LOOONG couple of weeks.  I don't know what happened, but he loved it after that!  I think he was just trying to impress his lady friends Sydney, Audrey, and Molly.

"Going swimming" for the first time
 The last couple of days, he actually swam underwater between Sam and me!  Well, he let us put him underwater and push him like a little torpedo.  He was supposed to kick, but he always just got real stiff and waited until he floated to the top.

"Going swimming" with Daddy

I love his very wet, slobbery kisses.


  1. where did you take him?!!! I want to take my boys!

    1. We did Fort Worth Swim School, and LOVED it!
