Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sawyer Donovan Morgan

Sawyer is here!  He was born Friday night, October 25 at 11:05pm.  He was 6 lbs 12 oz and is absolutely perfect.

The Birth Story 
(Feel free to skip this section if contractions, dilation, and other birthing things do not interest you.)

I was due on October 24, but my doctor had been telling me for a couple of weeks that I was ready to deliver at any moment.  I had tons of Braxton-Hicks contractions, and really thought I would have this baby early.  So when October 24 came and went, I was frustrated.  I really didn't want to be induced, but went ahead and scheduled for October 30.  Friday, October 25, Henry and I went on our morning walk, went to toddler time at the library, and went to a homecoming parade.  I started to not feel great late that afternoon, and texted Sam not to stay at work too late because I wasn't feeling right.  By the time he got home from work at around 5:15, I thought I might be having contractions.  They got stronger and stronger, but I wanted to be SURE I was in labor before we called our families to drive in all the way from east Texas and Abilene. We got to the hospital around 7:15pm, and they said I was dilated to around a 5.  The next couple of hours were pretty uneventful. The doctor came in around 11:00pm to break my water, and warned me that my contractions would get more intense.  I was only dilated to a 7, and the thought of MORE intense contractions terrified me.  Everyone left the room except for my mom.  Almost immediately I had another contraction, and this one about killed me.  I told my mom I needed to push NOW and to go get someone.  She told the nurse I felt like I needed to push, but they didn't really believe me.  She calmly checked, and said the baby was coming!  Everyone was running around the room trying to get everything ready before the next contraction. I pushed two more times, and Sawyer was here!  He was born less than 5 minutes after my water broke.  Someone said, "It's a boy!" and gave me the most beautiful, tiny little guy ever.  (Well, he's tied with Henry Gage)

I really wanted a calm, easy-going baby after the tornado that was (and still is!) Henry.  He is far easier than I could have imagined.  He eats great, looks around for awhile, then goes back to sleep.  He loves to be held, but is just fine being put down somewhere.  He is a sweet little snuggler, and didn't even cry when we gave him a bath last night.  I don't think he looks a lot like Henry, but everyone else does.  I am so in love with him, and start to miss him when he's been asleep for a couple of hours.  He has definitely stolen our hearts.

I knew Henry would be a great big brother, and I was right.  He loves his baby brother.  When we brought Sawyer home from the hospital, Henry wanted to help carry the carseat in.  Henry even offered Sawyer his special blanket, which is a BIG sign of affection.  He will sit and look at Sawyer, give him hugs, and try to put his pacifier in his mouth, even when Sawyer doesn't need or want it.  He is always bringing Sawyer "gifts".  The other day while I was feeding Sawyer, we ended up with a pacifier, stuffed animal, blanket, bottle lid, lotion, and Henry's pajama pants.  I can't wait to see these two grow up together and hopefully become best friends.

Sam and I feel so incredibly blessed to have two beautiful, healthy boys.  I have always said I wanted to be a mom to boys, and love that I will have lots of mud, sports, bugs, and wrestling in my future.  I pray that my boys will grow to be strong, compassionate, men who love the Lord above all else.

Welcome to the world, Sawyer, we love you!


  1. He is precious! He looks some like Henry, but I think he looks exactly like you!! They are both adorable boys. You have been greatly blessed!!!

  2. Sometimes when I look at my computer my eyes get kinda blurry and tear up.....but I'm not crying.

  3. I believe your Henry and my Devin are very similar! I can't wait to see them both. Can we please set up a Zoo date once the weather gets warmer again?!
