I'm 24 weeks along now, and so far this pregnancy has been so different from Henry's. I haven't had tons of nausea (just the normal "I feel gross and I'm going to vomit" stuff), and this one is SOOOOO much calmer than Henry was. Henry was violent in there. There were times I was sure he was about to bust out. But this one is very calm and gentle. Let's hope that trend continues.
I am trying to stay active, but I'm reaching the point where "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and wrestling with Henry is getting uncomfortable. My wrestling moves may need to go on hiatus for the next couple of months.24 Weeks! |
I thought it would be fun to do some gender predictor quizzes based on old wives tales. What do you think-boy or girl?
Are you carrying high or low? Low-boy
What is baby's heart rate? Under 140-boy
How did your skin change? Skin got better-boy
Do you have a lot of nausea? Not a lot- boy
Do you have cravings? Sweets-girl
Did your legs get more hairy with pregnancy? No-girl
What is the shape of your abdomen? Mostly front-boy
Are your feet warmer or colder compared to before pregnancy? Warmer-girl
More fruit cravings or more meat/cheese cravings? Meat/cheese-boy
Has baby's dad gained weight? No-girl
Has your nose increased in size? No-girl
Have you experienced more headaches? Yes-boy
I also looked at a Chinese gender chart that is allegedly more than 90% accurate, and it said girl.
So basically, it's about 50-50. We'll find out in about 16 weeks!
I'm betting on Henrietta!